- NMT strategy template
- Survey templates
- NMT facility audit form (JSON format): This survey covers footpath presence and quality; presence of crossing facilities and traffic calming; parking, vending; universal access elements; and cycle facilities. The survey form is filled out once per block.
- NMT count survey form: Survey form for NMT cordon counts with disaggregation by gender, disability, and age.
- On-street parking occupancy survey form: This survey records the number of vehicles parked on each block, classified by type. The data can be used to calculate the parking occupancy rates.
- NMT perception survey form: This survey seeks to gather input on perceptions about the walking and cycling environment and views on priority improvements.
NMT Policies
Addis Ababa Non-Motorised Transport (NMT) Strategy 2019-2028. Addis Ababa Road and Transport Bureau (2019).
Chennai Non-Motorised Transport Policy. Corporation of Chennai. (2014).
Jakarta NMT Vision and Design Guideline. ITDP Indonesia.
Lagos Non-Motorised Transport Policy. Empowering pedestrians and cyclists for a better city. Lagos State Ministry of Transport. (2018).
Measuring the Street. New York City Department of Transportation. (NYCDOT).
Nairobi Non-Motorised transport policy. Toward NMT as the mode of choice. Nairobi City County. (2015).
Non-Motorised Transport Policy for Aguascalientes City, Mexico. World Resources Institute. (2019).
Non-Motorised Transport Policy for Oaxaca City, Mexico. World Resources Institute. (2019).
Uganda NMT Policy. Ministry of Works and Transport. (2016).
Zambia Non-Motorised Transport Strategy. Ministry of Transport & Communications. (2019).
Bikeshare Planning Guide. ITDP (2018).
The Economic Benefits of Sustainable Streets. New York City Department of Transportation (2013).
Global Outlook on Walking and Cycling. Policies & realities from around the world. UN Environment (2016).
Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015. World Health Organization (WHO) (2015).
Global Street Design Guide. National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). (2016).
Measuring the Street: New Metrics for 21st Century Streets. NYC Department of Transportation. (2012).
Obesity relationships with community design, physical activity, and time spent in cars. Frank, Lawrence D. et al. (2004). American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 27, Issue 2, 87 – 96.
Pedestrian Safety: A Road Safety Manual for Decision-Makers and Practitioners. WHO. (2013).
Seoul Masterplan for the safety and convenience of pedestrians. The Seoul Institute.
Share the Road: Design Guidelines for Non-Motorised Transport in Africa. UN Environment & FIA Foundation.
The Socio-Economic Costs of Traffic Congestion in Lagos. Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU). 2013.Lagos State Ministry of Economic Planning and Budget. Working Paper Series, No 2.
Streets as Public Spaces and Drivers of Urban Prosperity. UN Habitat (2013). Geneva.
Streets for Walking & Cycling. Designing for safety, accessibility and comfort in African cities. ITDP Africa (2018).
Walking—the first steps in cardiovascular disease prevention. Murtagh, E., et al. (2011). Curr Opin Cardiol, 25(5).