Accessibility: Facilities offered to people to reach social and economic opportunities, measured in terms of the time, money, comfort, and safety that is associated with reaching such opportunities.
Average trip length: The average distance covered by a transport mode for a trip, measured in kilometres.
Bus rapid transit (BRT): High quality bus-based mass transit system that delivers fast, comfortable, reliable, and cost-effective urban mobility through the provision of segregated right-of-way infrastructure, rapid and frequent operations, and excellence in marketing and customer service.
Complete streets: Streets that are designed for all users, including pedestrians, cyclists, public transport passengers, and personal motor vehicles, including all modes of mobility as well as street vending, trees, street furniture, and other elements.
Greenway: A waterway or strip of land with exclusive facilities for cycling and walking.
Mobility: Conditions under which an individual is capable to move in the urban environment.
Mode share: The share of total trips carried out by a particular mode of urban transport, including walking, cycling, bus, paratransit, rail, two-wheeler, or car.
Non-motorised transport (NMT): Human-powered transport such as walking and cycling.
Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC): National pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions per the provisions of the 2015 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties in Paris.
On-street parking: The space occupied by vehicles to park along the edge of the street.
Paratransit: Service operated by the private sector on a shared or per seat basis along informally organised routes with intermediate stops. The service may or may not have a predefined fare structure.
Public transport (PT): Shared passenger vehicles that are publicly available for multiple users. In this document, the term “public transport” is used to refer to paratransit and formal road-based public transport services.
Parking management: Pricing, enforcement, and other mechanisms used to guide parking operations to ensure the efficient use of street space.
Right-of-way (ROW): The width of the road, taken from the compound wall/property edge on one side of the road to the compound wall/property edge on the other side of the road.
School zone: All streets and greenways within a 200 m radius of a school.
Sustainable transport modes: The following modes are categorized as “sustainable modes” of urban transport because when compared with personal motor vehicles, they consume the least amount of road space and fuel per person-km and also entail lower infrastructure costs: walking, cycling, and public transport (including a regular bus service as well as BRT systems).
Traffic calming: Traffic calming measures ensure pedestrian safety by reducing speed and potentially also the volume of motor vehicles. Traffic calming slows down vehicles through vertical displacement, horizontal displacement, real or perceived narrowing of carriageway, material/colour changes that signal conflict points, or the complete closure of a street.
Vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT): Vehicle kilometres travelled by all the personal motor vehicles (in a city) in one day.
Temporary redesign of Muindi Mbingu Street during Placemaking Week in Nairobi. (Source: UN Habitat)